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2017/18 Provisional fixture list

2017/18 Provisional fixture list

Justin Hewgill14 Aug 2017 - 08:00

up coming fixtures

It has been really good to see everybody at training putting in the effort and building on last year. We all know the real reason we train is to play so i want to give you a heads up on the fixtures Chris and I have been working on over the summer. It also so give you a change to make sure you are available to play.

Date Team Location Status
19th August Jersey Athletic Development Away Confirmed
16th September Granville (French Team) Home Provisional
23rd September Granville (French Team) Away early season tour Provisional
18th November Sidcup Home Provisional
2nd December Weybridge Vandals Home Confirmed
10th February Reading Abbey Home Confirmed
3rd March Langton Lions Away mid season tourConfirmed
24th March JRA Inter Insular HomeConfirmed
31st March Essington RUFC HomeProvisional
7th April Capella All Stars Home Provisional
14th April Langton Lions Home Confirmed

We are still working with several other teams to arrange more fixtures to fill the gaps in the schedule. If you or anybody know of UK team that would like to come over please send them the attached invitation and drop me a private message on messenger.


2017/18 Rugby Invitation

Further reading